Developing Extraordinary Leaders Throughout Your Organization 

In our last blog post, we explored the The Top Three Leadership Qualities Essential for 2024 Success which are the ability to manage polarities, the ability to reframe, and the ability to build trust.

As we dig deeper into what it takes to be a leader that creates innovative, highly-engaged, All Voices Heard cultures, there are seven additional qualities to consider:

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1.  Focus.

The best leaders know how to prioritize and focus on what matters most. They can quickly shift focus when necessary, without losing site of large-scale organizational goals.

2. Span.

Great leadership is possible everywhere and from anyone. Be able to look beyond the C-Suite to tap into your organization’s high potential employees who exemplify strong leadership.

3. Know the Why.

Eff­ective leaders know their why, and commit to clearly communicating it across the organization. All team members should be on the same page of the organization’s why, and have the ability to communicate it clearly and concisely.

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4. Strategic Thought.

Leadership requires strategic thinking, high trust, innovation mindset and full accountability. Leaders who get bogged down in day-to-day minutia quickly lose sight of the bigger picture, impeding on their leadership effectiveness.

5. Mentorship.

All leaders should have a mentor and be a mentor, as both relationships build confidence and increase problem-solving abilities. It’s an important piece of any leader’s development plan who desires to grow both professionally and personally.

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6. Embrace Diversity and Collaboration.

Leaders set the conditions for high performance by valuing diversity, fostering collaboration and inspiring commitment. Extraordinary leaders have a hunger for alternative perspectives and use these differing perspectives to innovate and grow. 

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7. Modeling.

Inspiring leaders walk their talk by modeling and rewarding behaviors that enable performance and business imperatives to thrive. A culture is built from the top down… not by what you say, but by what you do.

Tapping into these seven leadership qualities, along with the previous three mentioned above, will transform teams, so that at every level your organization will:

  • Achieve greater productivity through a clear vision, cross-organization alignment, heightened innovation, increased retention and smoother communication.

  • Create and activate the strategic vision.

  • Unleash previously untapped talent, strengths, wisdom, energy, and creativity to reach otherwise inaccessible business objectives.

  • Boost staff­ buy-in for more collaboration, cohesion, and energy.

  • Engage in more transparent, high-trust conversations that forge clear strategies for new market development.

  • Generate individual and collective commitments that elevate organizational performance.

  • Build a high-innovation, high-performance culture where everyone walks the talk.

How will you teach and nourish the leadership qualities needed for today’s success? Reach out to our team if you need an outside perspective on role clarity, peer coaching, mentorship, job crafting, stretch goals, leadership roles, and/or formal training. We have the solutions to create your dream leadership team and company culture.


Five Steps for Effective Strategic Planning


The Top Three Leadership Qualities Essential for 2024 Success